Proofreading & Revision

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Proofreading vs Revision
Cost of Proofreading & Revision
Common misconceptions


Perhaps you’ve written a press release in Dutch and want to have its formatting, grammar, syntax, punctuation, word choice and style verified to ensure it is as clear and readable as possible before it is published online. In that case, you need a proofreader.


Suppose you received a translation from English or French into Dutch and wanted to have the translation reviewed by an independent party to verify its quality and have errors marked for correction. In that case you are looking for a revision.

A revision requires access to the source text for comparison.

Proofreading vs Revision

I consider proofreading and revision to be the final step before the actual publication of a document, checking for errors in formatting, grammar, syntax, punctuation, and style.

A revision is similar to proofreading except it deals with a text that has been translated from an original.

Cost of Proofreading & Revision

Proofreading and revisions are usually cheaper than a translation as they require less time than translating a text from scratch.

Nevertheless, this may depend on the quality of the text. In a worst-case scenario, I may suggest retranslating the text.

I provide proofreading and revision for documents written in or translated into Dutch, my native language.

Find out more about my rates or request a free quote to get an accurate price tailored to your project.

Common misconceptions

A proofreader does not rewrite the text or verify the truthfulness or reliability of the content itself. That would be up to a copy-editor. I also do not write copy from scratch – that is the job of a copywriter.

It is also important to distinguish proofreading from “machine translation post-editing”. I do not provide post-editing services for automated translations. As an alternative, I can retranslate the source text.

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